Christmas Closure 2019

Christmas Closure 2019

After a busy and successful 2019, our team will be taking a well deserved break from COB Friday 20th December and will be back on deck, refreshed and ready to go on Monday 6th January. From all of us at Aquatic One, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and...
Business Leadership Awards

Business Leadership Awards

As a proud member of the Perkins Group of Companies, Aquatic One are pleased to announce that on Thursday 22nd August, the Perkins Group were awarded with the National Business Leadership Award for a Large Commercial Construction Company at the 2019 MBA Business...
Robert Law Award

Robert Law Award

Congratulations to Dan Perkins, our Managing Director, for being awarded the prestigious Robert Law Award at the Master Builder’s Association of Western Australia’s CEO and Managers Lunch on Friday 9th August. This Award is given to individual or...
X Trial Championship

X Trial Championship

Aquatic One proudly stood as a member of the Perkins Group of Companies and joined in sponsoring the Perth leg of the Australian X Trial Championships which on Saturday 20th July. What is X Trial you might ask? It’s like parkour, but on a motorbike. Riders must...
The Importance of Audits

The Importance of Audits

Pool filtration systems can often be seen as daunting things, with little known as to the true condition and capability of existing systems at many centres. One of the services we provide at Aquatic One is undertaking facility audits. We attend aquatic centres to...
Christmas Closure

Christmas Closure

Aquatic One would like to thank our clients for their support through 2018. Our staff will be taking a well deserved rest over the festive period; with offices closing at COB Friday 21st December and reopening on Monday 7th January. From the team at Aquatic...