Pool filtration systems can often be seen as daunting things, with little known as to the true condition and capability of existing systems at many centres. One of the services we provide at Aquatic One is undertaking facility audits. We attend aquatic centres to inspect existing installations and provide a detailed report to inform the facility owners as to the condition of the systems as well as discussing any identified performance, potential failure, safety or regulatory compliance issues. These audits are intended to identify issues which plague almost all older aquatic centres, to allow the owners to identify risks before they become an issue and obtain a clear and simple understanding as to the technical condition of their centres. In addition to minimising safety risks to operators and patrons alike, these audits help owners, councils and operators forward plan for their facilities and make decisions on an informed and unbiased basis.

Some important items identified in audits previously undertaken include:

  • Dangerous, non-compliant chemical storage setups allowing early identification and rectification before an injury occurred.
  • Undersized filtration systems, resulting in poor filtration performance. This was coupled with a high-level analysis to allow the client to determine whether they should upgrade the system, replace the system or adjust their operating parameters.
  • Missing critical filtration system elements such as pre-pump strainers and foot valves, allowing for low-cost improvements to system reliability and operation simplicity.
  • Incorrectly configured chemical measurement systems, requiring a cheap, simple rectification to significantly increase system automation and increase stability of chemical levels.
  • Broken pipework in the main filtered water return lines, resulting in significant water loss from the pool.

Audits are tailored to suit each specific centre, anywhere in Australia. Whether it’s to investigate a specific issue or to provide an overall condition audit, the relatively small cost of having an audit undertaken is worth it.