Aquatic One proudly stood as a member of the Perkins Group of Companies and joined in sponsoring the Perth leg of the Australian X Trial Championships which on Saturday 20th July.

What is X Trial you might ask? It’s like parkour, but on a motorbike.
Riders must use their skill and balance as they battle their way through a course of obstacles, trying not to let their feet touch the ground, all against a 90 second clock!

Over 2000 spectators were on the edge of their seats as they were treated to six of the best Trial riders in Australia give an incredible display of just what this sport is all about. Following a qualifying round, the top four moved on to complete for the Round 1 Championship win. Kyle Middleton from NSW took out first place, with Neil Price from WA coming in second (after an amazing comeback having fallen and injuring himself in qualifying) and Chris Bayles from TAS coming in third. The excitement is set to continue with the second round taking place this weekend in Wollongong.

The sport is relatively new in Australia, so it was great to be able to support this event and not only support the competitors, but encourage the future generations of X Trial riders.